Full Shoulder Workout

– Raise part –
Barbell Military Press: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps, 2-3 min rest
Barbell Military Press


Arnold Press: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps, 2-3 min rest

Dumbbell front raise: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps, 2-3 min rest


Plate front raise: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps, 2-3 min rest

Dumbbell lateral raise: 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 reps, 2-3 min rest

Face Pull: 4 sets of 10 reps
Face Pull

– Lowering part –
Cable one-arm front lower: 4 sets of 10 reps

Cable one-arm lateral lower: 4 sets of 10 reps

Arm wrestle cable (in the air, no more than 90deg): 4 sets of 10 reps

Push day

Close grip bench press: 4 sets of 8 reps

Dumbbell shoulder press: 3 sets of 12 reps

Incline dumbbell press: 4 sets of 8 reps

Machine chest fly: 3 sets of 15 reps

Machine single arm cable fly: 3 sets of 12 reps

Cable tricep pulldown: 3 sets of 12 reps

Hanging knee raise: 5 sets of 12 reps

Chest & Back Power Workout

Super-set #1
Close-grip bench press (slow on way down, up 1/4 of the way, down and full up): 4 sets of 6 reps at 60%, 65%, 70%, 70% of 1RM
Close-grip Barbell Bench Press
Face Pull: 4 sets of 10 reps
Face Pull

Super-set #2
Weighted Pull-up, 4 sets of 6 reps
Weighted Pull-up
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, 4 sets of 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Super-set #3
Flat Dumbbell press (1 arm at a time, other arm 90% extended), 3 sets of 6 reps at 22-23% of 1RM
One-arm Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell row, 3 sets of 6 reps at 25% of 1RM
Dumbbell Row

Metabolic conditioning
5 sets of 10 box jump, 7 burpees and 5 pull-ups

Chest, Shoulders & Abs

– Chest & Shoulders –
Barbell Bench Press: 5 sets of 8-8-6-6-4 reps, 2-3 min rest
Barbell Bench Press

20 degrees Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps, 2-3 min rest
Dumbbell Bench Press

Barbell Military Press: 5 sets of 8-8-6-6-4 reps, 2-3 min rest
Barbell Military Press

One-arm Dumbbell Bent-over Lateral Raise (overload): 4 sets of 6-8 reps, 2-3 min rest
One-arm Dumbbell Bent-over Lateral Raise

Power Shrugs: 4 sets of 6-8 reps, 2-3 min rest
Barbell Shrug

Finisher: 3 supersets, 2-3 min rest
Chest Dips: 12-15 reps
Chest Dips
Diamond Push-ups: till failure
Diamond Push-ups

– Abs –
Leg lifts: 3 sets of 1-15 reps, 2 min rest
Hanging Straight Leg Raise

Wood choppers: 3 sets 12-15 reps, 2 min rest
Seated Cable Twist

3D Chest

– Day 1 –

Barbell Bench Press: 5 sets of 10-8-8-6-6 reps, 2-3 min rest
Barbell Bench Press

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 5 sets of 10-8-8-6-6 reps, 2-3 min rest
Incline Barbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Chest Fly: 5 sets of 10-8-8-6-6 reps, 2-3 min rest

Dumbbell Pullover: 5 sets of 10-8-8-6-6 reps, 2-3 min rest
Dumbbell Pullover

Finisher: Progressive incline (45% then 30%) to flat Dumbbell Bench Press: 1 set of 15+15+15 reps without rest
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Bench Press

– Day 2 –

Super-set #1: 2 sets of 12-15 reps, 60-90 secs rest
Incline Dumbbell Chest Press
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press-
Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly

Super-set #2: 2 sets of 12-15 reps, 60-90 secs rest
Dumbbell Chest Press
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Chest Fly
Dumbbell Chest Fly

Super-set #3: 2 sets of 12-15 reps, 60-90 secs rest
Svend Press
Svend Press
Wide Grip Push-up

Finisher: Progressive incline (45% then 30%) to flat Dumbbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 15+15+15 reps without rest, 2 min rest between the sets
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Bench Press

Back & Biceps workout

Bent-over Barbell Row: warm-up set + 6 sets of 8 reps
Bent-over Barbell Row

One-arm Lat Pull-down: 5 sets of 8 reps (each side)
One-arm Lat Pull-down

Seated Wide Grip Row: 5 sets of 8 reps
Seated Wide Grip Row

Barbell Curls: 4 sets of 8 reps
Barbel Curls

Cheat & Recover Hammer Curl: 4 sets of 8+8 reps
Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Giant set biceps

3 sets of 4 exercises no rest between exercises, 1 to 3 min of rest between sets

Ex 1: Barbell curls, 8 reps

Ex 2: Seated inclined dumbbell curls, 8 reps

Ex 3: Spider inclined curls, 20 reps

Ex 4: Seated dumbbell concentration curls, 20 reps

Giant set pecs

3 sets of 4 exercises no rest between exercises, 1 to 3 min of rest between sets

Ex 1: Dumbbell bench press, 8 reps

Ex 2: Declined pushups, 8 to 12 reps

Ex 3: Cable fly, top to bottom, 20 reps

Ex 4: Pull-over to Svend press, 15 reps

Svend Press