3 sets of 4 exercises no rest between exercises, 1 to 3 min of rest between sets
Ex 1: Dumbbell bench press, 8 reps
Ex 2: Declined pushups, 8 to 12 reps
Ex 3: Cable fly, top to bottom, 20 reps
Ex 4: Pull-over to Svend press, 15 reps
You too can be a professional beach boy !
3 sets of 4 exercises no rest between exercises, 1 to 3 min of rest between sets
Ex 1: Dumbbell bench press, 8 reps
Ex 2: Declined pushups, 8 to 12 reps
Ex 3: Cable fly, top to bottom, 20 reps
Ex 4: Pull-over to Svend press, 15 reps